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 “Clean is much more than just looking good”

A clean place of business  leaves a positive impression on your visitors, but clean is much more than just looking good.The primary function of Optimum Cleaning is to clean and sanitize all patient and non-patient areas as assigned so as to provide a bacteria-free, aesthetically pleasing and safe environment for all customers.

VERY IMPORTANT! Cleaning and disinfecting with VIREX 256 patient rooms and doctor consultations rooms. (according to the norms in hospitals)

Virex 256

Broad Spectrum Activity.
Provides broad spectrum kill of micro-organisms
including HBV, HIV-1, VRE, MRSA, GRSA,
MRSE, VISA, PRSP, Herpes Simplex Types 1&2,
Influenza Type A2, Adenovirus, Rotavirus and
many more.

Provides Effective.
Kills the organisms that cause odors and works
as an odor counteractant to further eliminate
odors not associated with bacteria.